The journal of "Emergency Surgery named after I.I.Dzanelidze"
We would like to inform you that since 2020 we have started publishing a new journal of "Emergency Surgery named after I.I. Dzhanelidze", created under the auspices of the Interregional Association for Emergency Surgery (MANX) and the Saint-Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine.
The goals of the journal are to unite specialists in emergency surgery, promote the development of surgical emergency care, improve professional skills, generalize and disseminate best practices, increase the availability and quality of emergency surgical care. We hope that these goals will allow us to further unite our professional community to solve important tasks. Your knowledge and experience are very important for specialists.
The journal of "Emergency Surgery named after I.I. Dzhanelidze" is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Periodic scientific and scientific-technical publications issued in the Russian Federation, which recommend the publication of the main results of dissertations for the degree of doctor or Candidate of Sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 09, 2024 № 132-R., list dated 04.15.2024.):
3.1.10. — Neurosurgery (medical sciences)
3.1.25. — Radiation diagnostics (medical sciences)
3.1.8. — Traumatology and orthopedics (medical sciences)
3.1.9. — Surgery (medical sciences)
The name and content of scientific papers published in the journal of "Emergency Surgery named after I.I. Dzhanelidze".
it must correspond to the group of specialties of researchers 3.1. — Clinical medicine.
Priority for publication is given to articles of a problematic and scientific-practical nature on the following
scientific specialties:
3.1.9. — Surgery (medical sciences)
3.1.8. — Traumatology and orthopedics (medical sciences)
3.1.12. — Anesthesiology and intensive care (medical sciences)
3.1.10. — Neurosurgery (medical sciences)
3.1.25. — Radiation diagnostics (medical sciences)
We will be glad to see you in our ranks as authors, subscribers, partners, sponsors. We are ready to place your information and promotional materials on the pages of our magazine.
Full name of the publication:
The Journal of "Emergency Surgery named after I.I. Dzhanelidze".
Founder of the magazine:
Saint-Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency MedicineThe publication is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance
legislation in the field of mass communications. Certificate of registration of PE
No. FS77-86389 dated November 27, 2023
ISSN: 2712-9632
Registered at the National ISSN Center of the Russian Federation
Registration date: December 9, 2020
Publication frequency: 4 times a year.
The main language of the publication: Russian.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery E. Parfenov
Deputy Editors-in-Chief:
Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Manukovsky Vadim Anatolyevich
Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Demko Andrey Evgenievich
Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Igor Markellovich Samokhvalov
PhD Associate Professor Naser Nadezhda Ramezovna
Editorial Office address:
192242, St. Petersburg, Budapest str., 3, letter A
Phone / Tel. : +7 (812) 774-86-75; +7 (812) 384-46-64
The electronic version of the journal is available in the Scientific Electronic Library